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Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011

(Russian) Old New Year 2012. Party! Dante's Portland, OR


An annual celebration of a great Eastern European Tradition.
The tradition of the Old New Year has been kept in Russia, Serbia, Armenia, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and the Republic of Macedonia.

Last year this event was SOLD OUT and we wanted to make sure that all of our friends will get in and feel comfortable watching and dancing this time.
We booked awesome club downtown Portland with supreme sound and light: Dantes!
Old New Year 2012. Party!
Live music:
CHERVONA - Best Eastern Europe Party Band of NW! (
PAVA (Seattle)-  Authentic sound of the Real Russia (
VERA PANICH - First violin of Denmark is a Russian Girl (
DJ EUGENE (Portland) vs. DJ MAKEDON (Seattle).
Russian Disco vs. Balkan Grooves

Ded Moroze (Russian Santa) and Snowgirl.
Much , much more...

Старый Русский Новый Год 2012!

Друзья, в прошлом году Старый Новый Год оказался аншлаговым большая часть наших посетителей не могла попасть в зал.

В этот раз мы желаем чтоб места хватило всем. Что-б было где и посидеть и потанцевать и что-б звук и свет были на высшем уровне. И гулять... можно было-бы до поздна. Как никак Новый Год же!

Праздновать будем в Дантес в центре города - Dante's
В программе музыканты и ди джеи из Портланда и Сиэтла и конечно же ....ЧЕРВОНА! (

В Программе:
Живая музыка групп Червона (Портланд)и Пава (Сиэтл),
Битва ДиДжеев (Женя (Портлалд) против Македона (Сиэтл)),
Дед Мороз и  Снегурочка.
Танцы, смех и улыбки.

Сенсация! Вера Панич первая скрипка Дании, победительница конкурса талантов датцкого королевства, русская девyшка так давно ещё жившая в Сиэтле выступит в программе нашего праздника!
Единственная гастроль в Портланде! Такое бывает только на (старый) новый год!

Билеты в продаже:  по интернету   $10-14 . На входе в клуб $15-18.
!!!  на этой неделе  только $10  !!!
Убедительная просьба - Покупайте билеты заранее! Будете уверены что в клуб попадёте и денежки сохраните.

Spanyol Tak Masalah Tanpa Torres

Striker Chelsea asal Spanyol, Fernando Torres, belum juga tampil reguler bersama klubnya. Ketajamannya pun belum kembali. Posisinya di timnas Spanyol pun makin terancam.
MADRID, - Spanyol memang kemungkinan kehilangan David villa dan Fernando Llorrente pada Piala Eropa 2012 karena cedera. Namun, bukan berarti ini memperlebar pintu buat Fernando Torres untuk masuk timnas.
Pelatih Spanyol, Vicente Del Bosque, sudah memberi isyarat, jika Torres belum juga menunjukkan ketajamannya dan kontinuitas permainan, maka dia kemungkinan tak akan dipanggil. Saat Chelsea menjamu Aston Villa, Sabtu (31/12/2011), dia kembali gagal mencetak gol dan timnya kalah 1-3.

"Masih ada lima bulan (buat Torres) sebelum Piala Eropa digelar untuk membuktikan. Jika situasinya tak berubah, sulit buatnya untuk mendapatkan tempat di timnas," kata Del Bosque tentang peluang Torres di timnas.

Sejak dibeli Chelsea pada Januari 2011, Torres sudah tampil di 23 pertandingan. Namun, dia baru mencetak 5 gol. Selain itu, dia lebih banyak menjadi pemain cadangan. Musim ini, dia tampil di 12 pertandingan Premier League, di 7 pertandingan di antaranya dia tampil sebagai pemain pengganti.

"Fernando Torres berhak mendapat penghormatan karena rekornya dan kami memiliki keyakinan kepadanya. Tapi, jika dia jarang bermain, kami harus mempertimbangkannya," jelas Del Bosque.

Torres punya peran penting di Piala Eropa 2008. Dia mencetak gol saat melawan Jerman dan timnya akhirnya tampil sebagai juara.

"Jika terus bermain dan menemukan bentuk permainan terbaiknya, dia akan
kami bawa ke Euro 2012. Dia ikut berperan dalam sukses kami," katanya.

Spanyol memang hampir pasti kehilangan striker Barcelona, David Villa, dan striker Athletic Bilbao, Fernando Llorente. Villa cedera parah dan kemungkinan baru sembuh pada Euro 2012. Jelas, sangat riskan jika dia dibawa ke Ukraina dan Polandia. Llorente juga cedera parah.

Meski begitu, Del Bosque tetap tegas dalam membuat pertimbangan pemanggilan pemain. Ini tidak serta merta membuka jalan lebar buat Torres. Jika Torres jarang main, maka dia akan melirik striker lain. Del Bosque punya pilihan pada striker Sevilla, Alvaro Negredo. Kapten Valencia, Roberto Soldado, juga sedang produktif dan sudah mencetak 11 gol di Liga BBVA serta 5 gol di Liga Champions. Bahkan, striker Schalke 04, Raul Gonzalez pun bisa jadi alternatif, toh dia konsisten menunjukkan ketajamannya.

"Jika Roberto Soldado mempertahankan penampilannya, kami akan memanggilnya. Dia terus menunjukkan ketajaman sebagai striker. Villa dan Llorente kini cedera. Sedangkan Torres tak banyak bermain. Tapi, saya akan tetap berusaha adil," tegas Del Bosque. (AP)

Enam Tewas dalam Kecelakaan Bus Sumber Kencono

MADIUN, - Sedikitnya enam orang tewas dan belasan lainnya luka-luka akibat kecelakaan lalu lintas antara Bus Sumber Kencono dengan sepeda motor di Jalan Raya Madiun-Surabaya di Desa Jeruk Gulung, Kecamatan Balerejo, Kabupaten Madiun, Jawa Timur, Minggu dini hari (1/1/2012).

Saksi mata yang juga penumpang bus yang selamat, Pardi, mengatakan, sebelum kejadian laju Bus Sumber Kencono bernomor polisi W 7727 UY sangat kencang. Diduga bus nahas tersebut terlibat saling salip dengan Bus Sumber Kencono lainnya,

"Saat itu bus melaju dari arah Nganjuk menuju Madiun. Bus kencang banget seperti mau mengejar bus Sumber Kencono lainnya yang ada di depannya. Tiba-tiba di lokasi kejadian, bus mencoba mendahului kendaraan di depannya dan pas di depan ada sepeda motor," ujar Pardi yang merupakan warga Kabupaten Purwodadi, Jawa Tengah, ini.

Setelah itu, ia tidak tahu lagi, karena tiba-tiba bus sudah terguling dan menghantam warung yang ada di pinggir jalan. Beruntung ia hanya mengalami luka ringan akibat benturan-benturan.

Kapolres Madiun, AKBP Nanang Juni Mawanto, membenarkan kejadian kecelakaan ini. Hingga kini pihaknya masih konsentrasi menangani korban luka dan tewas untuk dievakuasi di rumah sakit terdekat.

"Korban meninggal di lokasi ada enam orang, sedangkan korban luka masih belum tahu. Saat ini semuanya sudah kami evakuasi ke Rumah Sakit Caruban, Kabupaten Madiun," ujar AKBP Nanang.

Menurut dia, berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan sementara di lokasi kejadian, kecelakaan ini disebabkan karena laju bus yang sangat kencang. Hal ini diketahui dari persneling bus yang berada pada posisi gigi enam. Namun, pihaknya belum memintai keterangan dari sopir bus.

"Kami belum memeriksa sopir bus, karena ia masih terluka. Demikian juga dengan pengendara sepeda motor. Untuk sementara, korban tewas juga masih diotopsi di ruang instalasi jenazah Rumah Sakit Caruban," katanya.

Akibat kecelakaan ini, arus lalu lintas di Jalan Raya Madiun-Surabaya sempat mengalami kemacetan. Hal ini karena posisi bangkai bus yang terguling dan memakan sebagian badan jalan.

Polisi juga sempat memberlakukan sistem buka tutup jalan untuk mengatasi kemacetan. Setelah beberapa jam, arus lalu lintas kembali berjalan normal.

Lindas Bidan Hingga Tewas, Supir Pemadam Ditahan

,, Badung. Tragedi kecelakaan lalulintas yang terjadi di Jalan By Pass Ngurah Rai Jimbaran dan menewaskan bidan (Ralat : bukan siswi perawat seperti yang diberitakan sebelumnya) bernama Kadek Darwi Adnyani (23) dituntaskan jajaran Sat Lantas Polresta Denpasar. Supir petugas pemadam kebakaran (PMK) Badung, resmi sebagai tersangka dan ditahan.

Kasat Lantas Polresta Denpasar Kompol Bima Arya Viasa menegaskan, kasus kecelakaan yang terjadi sudah dilakukan gelar perkara. Hasilnya diambil kesimpulan bahwa supir I Nyoman Arsana (39) resmi sebagai tersangka dalam kaitan kelalaian. Supir tersebut diketahui membanting stir ke kiri dan tidak menguasai kendaraan sehingga menabrak motor yang dalam keadaan berhenti di samping trotoar.

“Supir kita tetapkan sebagai tersangka dan ditahan dengan sangkaan Pasal 359 KUHP. Barang bukti mobil PMK dijadikan barang bukti,” jelas Kompol Bima, pada Selasa (27/12/2011).

Kompol Bima mengatakan, mengenai surat perintah tugas sebagai pengemudi PMK, pihak kepolisian belum ada konfirmasi lanjut dari pihak PMK Badung.

“Kita masih menunggu konfirmasi dari pihak PMK,” ungkapnya.

Peristiwa tragis menimpa seorang bidan bernama Kadek Darwi Adnyani (23) yang tewas mengenaskan setelah ditabrak mobil petugas pemadam kebakaran (PMK) Badung saat hendak memadamkan api di kawasan Mumbul Nusa Dua. Kejadian tragis itu terjadi di lintasan Jalan By Pass Ngurah Rai, Jimbaran, Kuta, persis di depan UD Arya Anom, pada Senin (26/12/2011) pukul 14.30 Wita. (spy)

Tahun Baru, Jalan Menuju Pantai Kuta Ditutup

,, Kuta. Seperti tahun tahun sebelumnya, menjelang malam tahun baru, jalur lalulintas menuju Pantai Kuta akan ditutup. Penutupan arus akan dilakukan mulai pukul 16.00 Wita dan buka keesokan harinya, pada (01/01/2012).

Demikian ditegaskan Kasat Lantas Polresta Denpasar, Kompol Bima Arya Viasa SIK, (28/12/2011).

Penutup arus lalulintas menuju Pantai Kuta meliputi simpang Sunset Road - Raya Kerobokan, simpang Sunset Road – Mertanadi, simpang Sunset Road – Jalan Kunti, simpang Sunset Road – Jalan Nakula. Beberapa arus jalan tersebut akan akan ditutup dan dialihkan menuju arah Seminyak Kuta. Sedangkan Jalan Patih Jelantik – Legian, akan ditutup ke Ground Zero, simpang Dewa Ruci akan ditutup dan dialihkan ke arah Jalan Setiabudi dan traficlight Kuta akan ditutup ke arah Kuta.

“Tanggal 29, kita akan berikan selebaran kepada masyarakat terkait penutupan arus ini. Untuk pengamanan ini kita mengerahkan 157 anggota Lantas Polresta,” jelasnya.

Sebelum melakukan penutupan sekitar pukul 16.00 Wita, jelas mantan Kasat Lantas Polres Gianyar ini, jajaran Lantas Polresta Denpasar akan melaksanakan pembersihan wilayah parkir sekitar pukul 14.00 Wita dimulai di sepanjang Jalan Raya Legian, Jalan Pantai Kuta, Jalan Melasti, Jalan Dewi Sartika, Jalan Singosari.

“Nantinya sekitar pukul 16.00 Wita semua akses akan ditutup menuju ke arah pantai Kuta,” bebernya.

Bima mengatakan, pengalihan arus masuk menuju Pantai Kuta akan dilalui satu pintu yakni di Jalan By Pass Ngurah Rai, Kuta, simpang Dewa Ruci, trafic light Patung Kuda, trafic light Tuban, dan selanjutnya mencari kantong kantong parkir di badan jalan. Untuk itu, bagi masyarakat yang hendak merayakan pesta malam tahun baru di pantai Kuta, diarahkan melalui Jalan Imam Bonjol dan memarkirkan kendaraan di central parkir dan selanjutnya berjalan kaki menuju pantai Kuta.

Kepolisian sendiri telah menyediakan tempat parkir yang ditentukan di tiga lokasi. Yakni di central parkir Kuta, eks pasar pagi dan lapangan Trisakti, Kuta. Dalam pengamanan malam tahun baru, jajaran Polda Bali akan mengerahkan ribuan personil dari seluruh satuan, narkoba, reskrim Samapta dan lalulintas.

“Semua konsentrasi di Kuta, sesuai penegasan Kapolda Bali seluruh  perwira turun ke jalan untuk pengamanan malam tahun baru,” ungkapnya. (Spy)

Target PAD Rp 1 Trilyun, Karangasem Genjot Tanah Ampo

,, Amlapura. Pemerintah Kabupaten Karangasem menargetkan Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) sebesar Rp 1 Trilyun. Salah satu sumber pemasukan adalah dermaga pesiar Tanah Ampo, yang akan segera dituntaskan pembangunannya.

Hal ini disampaikan Bupati Karangasem, Wayan Geredeg, di  Amlapura (30/12/2011), saat menghadiri acara Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Mandiri Perdesaan (PNPM Mandiri Perdesaan).

"Jika dermaga kapal pesiar Tanah Ampo sudah terwujud tuntas dibangun, ini merupakan potensi yang amat besar bagi Kabupaten Karangsem. Dengan banyaknya kapal pesiar dan ribuan wisatawan yang datang, ini akan membawa dampak multiplier bagi masyarakat Karangasem. Jika itu sudah terwujud, saya rasa  untuk mendapatkan PAD sebesar Rp 1 trilyun tidak akan sulit, saya yakin itu," ujar Geredeg.

Menko Kesra Agung Laksono yang hadir dalam kegiatan ini menambahkan, dermaga cruise Tanah Ampo sangat potensial bagi pengembangan ekonomi Kabupaten Karangasem.

"Kapal cruise itu sekali datang penumpangnya ribuan, jadi sangat potensial. Ini peluang besar, jadi kenapa hanya karena masalah regulasi jadi terhambat pembangunannya (dermaga pesiar Tanah Ampo). Bila perlu bisa diambil langkah deregulasi untuk mempercepat pembangunan dermaga pesiar Tanah Ampo ini. Kalau bisa terwujud akan menjadi trigger (pemicu) untuk pertumbuhan ekonomi, memunculkan lapangan pekerjaan di Karangasem,"ujarnya.

Selain menggenjot pembangunan dermaga kapal pesiar Tanah Ampo, untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi dan menaikkan pendapat asli daerah, Bupati Karangasem Wayan Geredeg juga menyatakan akan segera mewujudkan jalan Lingkar Seraya dan membuat akses jalan cepat dari Karangsem ke Denpasar dengan memperbaiki jalan di wilayah Kubu. (dev

Spain's Nuclear Waste Cemetery proposed for Cuenca village Read more:

The Mayor of Villar de Cañas said it was like winning the lottery
Anti nuclear protest organisted by ATC - Photo EFEAnti nuclear protest organisted by ATC - Photo EFE
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The Ministry for Industry has chosen Villar de Cañas in Cuenca to house the new national radioactive waste cemetery for Spain. The village is in the centre of Spain, just 40 minutes from Madrid.

The proposal was taken to the cabinet today by the Minister, José Manuel Soria. It also signifies a 700 million cash hand out for the municipality which is agriculture based and has a population of just 442, and it is expected to create 300 direct jobs.

The Mayor, José María Saiz, said ‘It’s as if we have won the lottery’ although he admitted he had received no official communication yet. Local Socialists say they are against the decision and have not ruled out demonstrations.

Universal health cover arrives in Spain on January 1 Read more:

Some Spaniards lost out on health care under the old legislation
Archive Photo EFEArchive Photo EFE
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Universal cover in the public health service comes into effect in Spain on January 1. It means that the 200,000 or so people who lack free health cover in Spain will see their situation corrected by the new General Health Law.

Among those who have had no health care has been some 40,000 long term unemployed, and after a health card is cancelled it’s impossible to use the public health services or prescription service.

In some regions of the country foreign residents who were recently registered on the Padrón had to wait for as long as six months to obtain health care. Now foreigners will obtain health care in the same conditions as the Spanish.

The change was approved in cabinet last October, and now gives health cover ‘to all Spaniards residents in national territory’.

Before in the 1986 legislation is was based on whether social security payments had been made, and therefore on the patient’s employment situation. It was an odd situation as the health service is financed by the tax take and not social security in Spain.

Cara Update McAfee Terbaru

McAfee Antivirus Enterprise adalah antivirus yang sangat ampuh dan teruji dibandingkan dengan antivirus yang lain. Antivirus McAfee mempunyai kemampuan untuk membersihkan file yang terinfeksi virus tanpa harus menghapus file yang terinfeksi virus tersebut.

Akan tetapi bagi anda yang memiliki komputer dengan spesifikasi rendah mungkin akan sangat kecewa dengan antivirus McAfee ini karena, antivirus ini membutuhkan resources yang sangat besar sehinggga akan cukup membebani komputer anda. Tapi mengenai kemampuan McAfee sangat bisa di andalkan.

Mohon maaf di blog ini tidak bisa menampilkan link untuk download McAfee Enterprise karena antivirus ini berlisensi bayar, jadi jika anda pengin mendownloadnya silahkan cari sendiri di google.

Sedangkan untuk cara update McAfee sangat mudah, berikut caranya :

1. Download Update McAfee nya

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Selamat mencoba ......

Jumat, 30 Desember 2011

10 best travel products for 2012 Tech geek, slacker packer, tea connoisseur -- there's something for every finicky globe-trotter

Travel can bring out the idiosyncrasies in everyone. Just read this for some proof.
For all those looking to get teched up in 2012, we matched the most typical travel personae with the best new products.

1. The technological determinist: iPhone lens dial

photojojo lens
How are those Mac Hipsters going to fit this into their skinny jeans?

You know the guy; he frowns at the girl with the Nokia E71 like she’s an escaped Amish milkmaid.
When it comes to photos, the technological determinist believes the iPhone breathes eternal digital life to all real-life experiences.
He never looks up from his camera and only documents vacations via iPhone where he will Photoshop and upload to Facebook/Twitter/Google+.
This geek will appreciate the gift of a multiple iPhone lens -- since the digital SLR will be obsolete in a matter of years.
The attachable extension has three lenses, a 0.7x wide-angle to snap panoramic views, a 0.33x fisheye lens for extra drama, and a 1.5x telephoto lens.
Photo Jojo Lens Dial, US$250,
More on CNNGo: iPhone photos like you've never seen

2. The Doraemon: 18-pocket trench

Scotte vest
Perfect for moms and cartoon spies.

The Doraemon always has a bottomless bag, but instead of guided missiles and dream-reading machines, she unknowingly accumulates lipsticks, lighters, manicure kits, needles and nunchucks.
Airport security is always a nightmare with this one.
With this figure-flattering trench, the Doraemon can pull off her coat and throw it into the X-ray bucket, and there’s no need to sift through a large purse.
iPad, camera, phone, water bottle, sunnies and more can all get tucked into the coat without looking like she’s extremely bloated.
Features include: 18 pockets, clear inside pockets, zipper and magnetic closures on pockets, and water bottle holder. Comes in red, black, mud, mist, thyme, periwinkle and paprika.
Scotte Vest Woman’s Trench, US$150,
More on CNNGo: Essential travel clothes for girls on the road. 

3. The typo artist: Laser keyboard cube

laser keyboard cube
There are laser beams. What other reason do you need?

The typo artist doesn’t like to travel with his heavy laptop so sometimes he just brings the iPad on business trips.
But his untrained fingers have sent enough embarrassing autocorrect gaffes to develop a sexual harassment lawsuit.
Save him, with the 19 millimeter QWERTY Cube Laser Virtual Keyboard. It’s compact (a bit larger than a matchbook), and perfect for banging out emails from the express hotel desk.
The keyboard connects wirelessly via Bluetooth to iPhone, iPad, some Smartphones, and most laptops. It charges via USB and requires no installation. The rechargeable battery lasts for 150 minutes straight.
Cube Laser Virtual Keyboard, US$169,
More on CNNGo: Shanghai-made gifts

4. The ski bunny: GPS ski goggles

Z3 GPS Goggles
The only thing these are missing is X-ray vision.

She’s brags about shredding every mountain in the world from Whistler to Niseko, while you’re still figuring out how to tie the boots up without tripping.
How will you win her affection when she won't give you the time of day? Give her an extremely complicated pair of GPS ski goggles that she can't understand. That'll get her off her high horse.
Zeal Optics’ Z3 GPS Goggles have adjustable light levels, and reduce 99.9 percent of glare from the sun. The head-mounted display technology has 3D data-capturing features.
The James Bond-inspired goggles capture your ride by providing real-time access to performance statistics including speed, altitude, temperature, and time during your run down the slopes.
Users can see their fastest and slowest speeds, review individual runs, and see vertical distance covered.
Zeal Optics Z3 GPS Goggles, US$549,
More on CNNGo: 10 top ski resorts to visit this winter

5. The humanitarian: Clear UV water purifier

Camelbak Clear UV Water Purifier
Rumors of the bottle surfaced in 2009, but the much-anticipated Clear UV Water Purifier is worth the three-year wait.

The humanitarian spends all her winter holiday volunteering in developing countries and never fails to come back with a horror story of waterborne disease.
This makes you feel guilty for playing Xbox all winter and not having diarrhea for five days.
Feel guilty no more, the CamelBak UV Water Purifier will purify her water anytime anywhere. The purifier has an ultraviolet light bulb built in the bottle cap and is good for 10,000 cleaning cycles.
The UV light sterilizes 99.999 percent of the bacteria, protozoa and viruses in 60 seconds.
So get back on that couch and send her on her way.
Camelbak Clear UV Water Purifier, US$99, The UV purifier won’t be available until March 2012, but you can read more about it at and see other Camelbak bottles at
More on CNNGo: The price of volunteering in Japan

Download Driver Printer 2770

12 reasons to visit Korea in 2012 Whether you're a shopaholic, a workaholic, a K-Pop fanatic, a foodie, a filmmaker, or just plain superstitious: 2012 is a good year to be here

seoul 2012Don't blame us if you want to stay forever.
2012, the year the world supposedly ends. All the more reason to visit Korea -- the Land of Morning Calm -- to soothe your terror before the world is destroyed by a meteorite. 
And 2012 is also the Year of the Dragon, according to the Chinese zodiac. And not only that, but it's also the Year of the Black Dragon, which only comes once around every 60 years.
But there's more than cool East Asian symbolism to make 2012 a great year for visiting Korea.
There are 12 reasons, listed below:

1. It's Visit Korea Year

Visit Korea
It's the beginning of the end.

Visit Korea Year is essentially a two-year campaign of exclusive discounts and promotions designed to make Korea more attractive to travelers. 2012 is the final year of the campaign.  Virgin tourists to Korea: don't wait another year.
The coupons, KTX discounts of up to 30 percent, free bus shuttles, and hotel deals won't wait around forever.

2. Korea Grand Sale 

Korea Grand Sale
Paying full price is for amateurs.
The Korea Grand Sale is technically part of the Visit Korea Year campaign but in its grandness it deserves its own category.   Unlike some of the other promotional discounts of Visit Korea Year, the Korea Grand Sale is surprisingly, and non-intuitively, not just about saving a few won.
"We're sometimes asked why the discounts in the Korea Grand Sale's sales are rather less than grand," says Yoon Heejin of the Visit Korea Committee's PR team. 
"That's because the Korea Grand Sale is not just about buying loads of cheap stuff at low prices. It's about a complete cultural experience."
Sure, there is a strong element of Black Friday stampedes in this 52-day "national shopping extravaganza," which will involve more than 21,000 businesses and discounts of up to 50 percent.
But if you look beyond the shiny promotional poster of Hallyu star Choi Ji-woo looking mighty happy with shopping bags hanging off her arms, there's a great deal more to be found in the Korea Grand Sale than half-price luxury lipsticks.
The Grand Sale will kick off with a week-long welcome event at Incheon International Airport beginning January 9, 2012. And unlike lipstick, which is likely to appeal exclusively to a specific, narrow demographic, this opening event will include the distribution of a lottery ticket, so everyone receives at least something. A sweltering volunteer will be dressed up as Pororo the Penguin -- who is an official mascot -- willing to take photos with kids.
But the real opening celebration will be on January 13, at DOOTA Shopping Mall in Dongdaemun. There will be performances (like Original Drawing Show) most Koreans usually pay hefty sums to see. There will be prize draws, which means that even by simply being there, you might win a trip to Jeju Island or a free night at a hotel.
And finally, there will be celebrity appearances as well as numerous lotteries and sweepstakes opportunities.
Window shopping will never be so fun again. (Nor so potentially profitable).

3. Hallyu Madness

Big bang
Have a K-Poppy new year.

2012 is looking to be a good year for K-Pop.    If you're a devoted follower, you might already know that there are several big comebacks in the works, like an upcoming Big Bang concert, or Se7en's new album. You might also know that 2ne1 will be releasing their collaborations with
But if all this is hard to remember, you can just remember one: the 21st Seoul Music Awards, which will be held on January 19, 2012, at the Olympic Gymnastics Arena, which will be the K-Pop event of the next year.
And it just so happens that the date of the awards ceremony coincides with the period of the Korea Grand Sale. Coincidence? Or clever maneuvering on the part of the Visit Korea Committee? Doesn't matter; saw Big Bang!
Also keep your eyes peeled and your limbs oiled for the 2012 take on last year's K-Pop Cover Dance Festival. If you think you have the moves, you can even enter the competition and submit a video of yourself dancing to a designated K-Pop song. Otherwise, it's a good chance to gawk at startlingly on-the-spot K-Pop impersonators.
"Last year we had 2PM as judges," says Yoon Heejin of the Visit Korea Committee's Public Relations Department.
"They were astonished at how accurate some of the contestants' impersonations were. For example, a team that danced to Girls' Generation also managed to capture the individual characteristics of each member, down to the outfits, the hair, and the roles."
Finally, the Hallyu Dream Festival, held in Gyeong-ju, historical capital of ancient Korean kingdom Silla (like the Shilla Hotel), combines K-Pop shows with historical "experiences" for a quasi-music, quasi-film, quasi-history fair festival that acknowledges K-Pop's less famous but equally worthy brother, the K-Drama. More specifically, the period K-Drama.
Fans of Silla-era period drama "Queen Seondeok," for example, will appreciate that they can explore on foot the former set of the drama, and perhaps even the former setting of the actual events, minus K-Drama's tendency towards heavy fictionalization.

4. The IFC fulfills its destiny

Behold, the new money spot in Seoul.

Although the International Finance Center in Yeouido opened in 2011, it's not quite complete. The Conrad Hotel, which is slated to open in the IFC sometime in 2012, will hopefully add a homey touch to the formidable business complex, which tops the 249-meter 63 Building (once the tallest building in Korea) by a good 35 meters. That is, as homey as one of the world's most luxurious five-star business hotels can be, anyway. 

5. Celebrating food: Almost as good as food itself

korean food festival
Our 40 delicious Korean foods article could very well be re-titled 40 reasons to visit Korea.

Don't give a damn about K-Pop? Can't digest Wonder Girls, unless ironically remixed by basement DJ on tumblr? Just uninterested in music, in general? That's fine. Korea still has plenty to offer in 2012, and many of these offerings are edible. The world may be ending, but Koreans will still be cooking. Cooking death-defyingly tasty dishes.
Sample them at the 2012 Korea Food Festival in Jeonju, the city in the South famed for its attractive and delectable dishes, and home of Jeonju bibimbap.
5/F Wooseok Building, 710-5 Geumam 1-dong, Deokjin-gu, Jeonju-si, Jeollabuk-do (전라북도 전주시 덕진구 금암1동 710-5 우석빌딩 5층); +82 63 272 6987, 8;

6. The 2012 Expo in Yeosu 

Yeosu Expo
Korea jumps at any chance to erect a futuristic new building and fill it with stuff to gawk at.

Given that Korea's a peninsula that's effectively an island with three sides (given the situation in the North), it's surprising that there's not more emphasis on marine matters.
The 2012 International Exposition in Yeosu, however, opening under the theme of "The Living Ocean and Coast," is hopefully, supposedly changing some of that. The expo will deal with issues regarding not only the sea, biologically, but also marine technology and sustainable resources.
 But really, to the average visitor, the academic conferences and the lofty ideals, while impressive -- more than 100 countries and millions of visitors are expected to participate -- aren't really attractions.
Although we may all appreciate the fact that the United States' involvement in this Expo, for example, optimistically signals greater strides in awareness of marine environmental problems, that's not what makes Yeosu -- and Korea -- desirable in 2012.
Yeosu has other attractions. The Expo will feature weird and wonderful interactive displays, film screenings, and exhibitions housed in weird and wonderful buildings. For example, there will be a "Cosmic Tree" installation that interacts with visitors, the self-explanatory "Fisheries Experience Zone," and an aquarium.
100 Deokchungan-gil, Yeosu-si, Jeollanam-do (전라남도 여수시 덕충안길 100); +82 1577 2012;

7. Because it's not just about Seoul this year 

Your new ride.

A new express train, the ITX, will now make it easier to travel between Seoul and Chuncheon. Not quite as fast as its predecessor, the KTX, but speedy enough to stir notice, the ITX runs at 180 kph. Such numbers may not mean much to you, but the name Chuncheon might: Chuncheon is the birthplace of Chuncheon dakgalbi, a sacred foodie mecca where the original dakgalbi recipe remains untainted by Seoul's tastes.   But the significance of the ITX, which is due to start running sometime in February 2012, according to Arirang Korea, is not in being easily transportated to the birthplace of a 1970s chicken dish. Just as Chuncheon's essence can't fit into a greasy pan -- Chuncheon is home to mountains, lakes, lake islands, and numerous architectural and historical treasures -- it's bigger. It's about a bigger Korea, a Korea beyond Seoul.
Some of these aspirations are also clearly felt in Visit Korea Committee's online project, the recently opened Must-See Routes, a collection of suggested travel itineraries that cover various Korean provinces. For a comprehensive look at all that you're missing in Korea -- because chances are that most of the places featured are unfamiliar rather than familiar -- Must-See Routes is thorough. And accompanied by stunning photographs.
Follow in Park Chan-wook's footsteps.

8. Olleh Smartphone Film Festival

As one of the world's most wired cities, being at the forefront of smartphone technology development is almost obligatory.
2012 will be the second year of Korea's Olleh Smartphone Film Festival, an innovative tech-themed soirée that promotes and celebrates future smartphone development. But as the name suggests, it's more than a showcase for fancy new phones.
The festival, which will be held from March 19 to March 21, includes a competition component for professional and amateur filmmakers alike with tantalizing cash prizes of up to ₩50 million for the best short films shot with a smartphone.
There are no restrictions, save for a time limit of 10 minutes or less, and contestants are encouraged to exercise their "creativity" and "boldness" to the fullest.
Contestants are divided into two categories, professional and amateur, and the top three candidates from each category will be awarded cash prizes of 10 million, 30 million and 50 million, respectively, as well as a brand-new smartphone. The last candidate standing will receive a whopping 200 million in prize money, and all of the runner-ups will receive opportunities to expand on and develop their smartphone short films into larger projects, as well public and media exposure via screenings that will be held in March and April.
The festival is accepting submissions starting January 1.
+82 2 517 3353;

9. Seoul International Marathon 

Seoul International Marathon
Let the training begin.

For those who constantly tell themselves to get in shape but never do, the Seoul International Marathon might just be impetus they need. At 42.195 kilometers, it may be well past driving distance for the binge-drinking, taxi-cabbing, chain-smoking Seoulite, but if you can beat yourself into shape by 8 a.m., March 18, this might mean a new beginning for your body and mind. There aren't many qualifications--if you're over 18 and reasonably confident that you can run approximately 43 kilometers in five hours or less (it's said to be easier than it looks on paper, with some preparation) you're eligible to run. If you manage to finish in less than three hours, you will be inducted into the Hall of Fame and will also receive a medal as a motivational token for the future. The marathon, which kicks off at the statue of Admiral Lee Soon-Sin in Gwanghwamun and ends at the Jamsil Olympic Stadium, will be broadcast live in 50 countries. Applications are accepted until the 20,000 runner limit is reached. More information can be found on the marathon's website,

10. Even better beds: Koreastay, Goodstay and Hanok Homestay

hanok homestay
Budget lodgings meets historical preservation.

Technically, only one of these three catchy rhyming government-subsidized programs for budget lodging is new. Hanok Homestay, which supplies lodgings at a traditional Korean-style house, or hanok, and Goodstay, which is simply a logo that indicates endorsement (and at least a degree of vetting) from the Korea Tourist Organization, are both relatively familiar staples on the budget accommodation scene. 
Koreastay, however, is relatively new; the current version of the website only just debuted, and rather shakily, sometime in November 2011. But we hope it catches and snowballs by 2012, because it seems like a pretty damn good idea, especially for the offbeat backpacker more interested in language exchange than socks exchange -- although both are important -- or the globe-trotting student traveling on a budget.
Koreastay is similar to Hanok Homestay: your host will likely live in a modern Korean apartment or villa rather than a refurbished hanok. It's a little like paid CouchSurfing, and what you pay for is the guarantee of a hot meal, and well, the guarantee in general.

Seoul MICE
MICE: One word, four concepts. No rodents. And a bucketload of deals.

11. Work and play  

Some might say that Koreans are workaholics. We prefer to say that Koreans are great at mixing business and pleasure. And if there was ever a great year for mixing business and pleasure in Seoul, it would be 2012, which was declared the Korea Convention Year by the Korean government. 
This means government-subsidized discounts and incentives for qualified conventions held in Korea in 2012. This includes hotel and venue discounts, airline deals, and even bonuses like tickets to traditional performances, tour packages, and souvenirs.
The 2012 Korea Convention Year has also partnered with the Korea MICE Alliance, essentially an alliance of private-sector organizations and government agencies that specializes in conventions. The awkwardly cute acronym, MICE (which stands for Meeting, Incentive, Convention and Exhibition) is also surprisingly effective in describing this partnership.
Essentially the partnership between 2012 Korea Convention Year and MICE means that MICE participants will receive even more benefits. MICE organizers will receive even more subsidies, and on a local level, meetings at MICE Alliance cities means enhanced incentives.

12. A world of music  

lmfao seoul
They're sexy and they know it.

K-Pop may rule the roost when it comes to Korean music. But Seoul's tastes are still varied enough to attract the big international names in jazz, electronica, indie pop/rock, and heavy metal, as the 2012 concert listings attest.
It begins with a Her Space Holiday show at V Hall on January 7. With a brief respite in the form of Damien Rice's gentle acoustic strums on January 11 at Olympic Hall, and jazz legend Pat Metheney performing at Sejong Arts Center on January 13, we're back to electronica with Justice and Crystal Castles performing at the Seoul Electronic Music Festival in Goyang-si on January 14.
And crowning January 2012 on the 25th is Beirut at Ax Hall.
February is a good month for heavy metal fans, as Judas Priest returns for a show on February 4 at Olympic Hall, Lamb of God performs at Ax Hall on February 12, and Opeth provides a getaway from Valentine's Day on Valentine's Day at V Hall.
Shortly after, on April 7 at Olympic Hall, LMFAO is bringing their "Party Rock Anthem" to Seoul.

More on CNNGo: Why it's great to be a foreign traveler in Korea 



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